Wednesday, August 09, 2006


This Israel-Hezbollah-Lebanon thing...

is crazy as hell. I hope someone is looking into the matter. Condi would be great for something like this.

Last night I asked myself a question and gave myself an answer, and then continued an internal dialogue that I eventually entitled "Interview with Dr. Gloom, by Dr. Gloom." I present it in Q&A conventional style, to pretend it was official, or even fully remembered:

Q: Do you think that war is an inevitable condition of the world's human population?
A: Absolutely, there will always be war. Always has been, always will be.
Q: Where does that leave peace?
A: Rare and to cherish. Occasionally you find your pockets of harmony, prosperity, et cetera. Great if you can find it, but it doesn't last.
Q: Why is that? Are humans just, natural born killers?
A: That's an inflammatory question.
Q: I apologize, I was thinking of the movie. We were talking war. Your thoughts?
A: Necessary evil. People get pissed. Sometimes it's over a dogshit in their yard or a slow driver in the passenger lane. And then people form blocs and parties of similarly pissed people.
Q: First off, I can understand declaring war on your neighbor for dog crappings. But that is a figurative war, pellet guns and antifreeze notwithstanding. I'm talking about modern, high-tech warfare.
A. It's the same basic shit, just an escalation. If you had an army at your disposal to defend the integrity of your lawn, would you order them to kill your neighbor's dog?
Q: (Pause) Only if it was on my lawn again. If it was on somebody else's property, no. I'd just want snipers monitoring the situation.
A: You're a moral and rational man.
Q: As are you.

Internally, I found it a very enlightening look at the current Mideast Crises.

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