Monday, June 26, 2006



Man, this sucks. I woke up at 2:15 a.m. and could NOT get back to sleep. I called in sick to work at around 6 a.m. They'll think I'm just playing "hangover hookey" but for once at least, they're wrong. I'd actually rather be at work than stuck here NOT SLEEPING, because again, this not-sleeping thing sucks a lot worse than work.

It's so hot in Burbank that I will sweat just walking to my car. In my carport. I can't sleep when it's this hot. I have a window unit A/C. Do you have a window unit? I hope you have central heat and air instead. Window units can keep one room cool, that's it. ONE ROOM. Maybe 350 square feet? That's not nearly enough. Anything less than central air is compromising, and I am hereby compromised. In multiple ways.

So, I'm getting tired now. I am going to leave the window unit ON, damn the ecological consequences. I realize it's ironic that I'm contributing to global warming by cooling myself, but fuck it. Sometimes, irony is the best result of a bad situation. That's the way I look at it, at least.

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